Sunday, July 21, 2024

My Review for Life Begins at 50 by Celia Anderson

As a girl (yes, I still think of myself as a girl), who turned 51 a few months ago I was looking forward to reading this, and whilst my life is absolutely nothing like Kate’s, I could relate to bits of her life. I think Kate is brilliant; she has great friends, a job she enjoys and godchildren she adores. I particularly loved Elsie and the names she decided on for her cuddly unicorn and sheep - I won’t spoil that for you, but it made me laugh.

The Saga Louts are Kate’s newfound friends, none of them a day under 80, but they are amazing. They are loving life; they have no filter and they don’t care a jot what they talk about and who they might shock. I hope I’m like that at 80!

There are many, many sad and heartbreaking moments throughout the book too. Celia handles these well, with compassion and understanding and, of course, the book has a happy-ever-after. What else would you expect from a book with such a jolly cover? 

Thank you to NetGalley, Boldwood Books and Rachel’s Random Resources for the opportunity to read and review Life Begins at 50 by Celia Anderson.

About the Book

New friends, new flame, new fun . . . Kate dreamed of a happy marriage, a house full of children and a fulfilling teaching career. But after twenty-five years of married life and about to hit the big 5-0, it’s clear that her dreams haven’t quite come true. Then her husband leaves her for his golf partner, forcing Kate to take stock of what has become of her life.

Luckily, new friendship comes her way in the form of three feisty older women who take Kate under their wings, plus a new flame (could it be more . . .?) sparks with local divorced dad, Milo. As her big birthday approaches, Kate’s zest for life begins to return.

But opening herself up means making herself vulnerable to being hurt all over again . . 

Can it be true that life begins at fifty? And will Kate be brave enough to find happiness, and grab hold of it with both hands?

About Celia

Celia Anderson was delighted to be given the opportunity to join the author team at Boldwood in early 2024, and is now ready to start a whole new chapter of her own. She enjoys writing contemporary fiction featuring older protagonists, although a wide age range of characters can always be found in her books. Previously a teacher and assistant head, Celia writes full time these days but loves to chat to other authors and readers, and often spends far too much time browsing social media. She is an enthusiastic member of the Romantic Novelists Association, having proudly graduated from their New Writers' Scheme in 2013. The RNA is an amazing source of good advice and a place to meet like-minded, supportive people who will happily talk about books for hours on end. What could be better?

Born and bred in the Midlands, Celia has long been tempted by the idea of living near the sea, and her dream at last became a reality in 2023 when she moved to the south coast. This has meant that a whole new range of story-making boosts are available, and she’s currently working flat out to explore them all. A fresh writing space and grandchildren on hand to cuddle, plus a busy promenade and beach just down the road – there’s no shortage of places to people-watch. Alternatively, give her a long train journey and her notebook and pen will also work overtime as she shamelessly eavesdrops and watches the world go by.

Celia loves flowers and flower arranging but tries to avoid any kind of gardening that involves digging up worms. She plays the piano very badly and is a crossword addict. A doting grandma to Ida and Levi, she has tried several times to learn to knit them jumpers without much success (or joy). Some hobbies are probably best left alone. She loves walking, cooking, reading, more reading, having large bubbly baths, eating, and also drinking wine. Over the years, she has found that all of these activities bar the first two may be done simultaneously, although this can be messy.

With Boldwood's innovative and forward-thinking approach to publishing as her inspiration, Celia is looking forward to exploring brand new settings and pastures new. She hopes you will come along for the ride! Why not start with Life Begins at 50? Out on July 18th 2024.


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