Monday, July 31, 2023

My Review for The God of Good Looks by Breanne McIvor

It’s taken me a while to write the review for this because I didn’t really know what to put and, I’m sorry to say, that it put me into a reading slump, which I rarely experience. I think I did actually enjoy it, but it was far from what I expected and it took me a long while to get my head around what was going on - probably my fault and not the author’s, though. 

However, after checking out some reviews and seeing that others were loving it, I decided to bite the bullet and throw myself back into the book on a sunny day in the garden. It did get better, but it could have gotten better much faster in my opinion.

The God of Good Looks is written from a dual perspective: Obadiah, the employer and Bianca, the employee. Obadiah is a douchebag the first time he meets Bianca, but instantly becomes this amazing guy when she begins to work for him - not a believable enough story for me. However, Obadiah hasn’t had the upbringing he would have people believe, and a lot of the story is all about ‘poor old Obadiah’.

For me, there was far too much about Trinidad and Tobago, politics and politicians than was necessary. I understand what the author was trying to do, in bringing it to the forefront of people’s minds, but it detracted from what could have been an amazing story about an amazing young girl.

However other people's reviews for this are outstanding so get yourself a copy and judge for yourself. Just because it wasn't my cup of tea, doesn't mean it won't be yours.

Thank you to Penguin Fig Tree for the opportunity to read and review a copy of The God of Good Looks by Breanne McIvor.


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