Friday, November 5, 2021

My Review for The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary read by Kwaku Fortune and Carrie Hope Fletcher

The Flat Share Cover
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I seem to be giving a lot of my reads/listens, 5 ⭐ reviews lately, but that’s just the way I feel about them. If I love it, then I want others to know and enjoy it too.

The Flatshare is the second book by Beth O’Leary that I have listened to and it captured me all the way through. The unusual situation of sharing a flat and a bed, but not a life. As the front of the cover says, Tiffy and Leon have never met, yet they share so much.

A lovely, happy, and romantic read, interspersed with a couple of serious topics. These are dealt with carefully and with compassion, and particularly with Tiffy. We begin to understand why she is perhaps the way she is around men.

The post-it notes that Tiffy and Leon leave all over the place for each other is adorable and probably something I would have done too in my dim and distant youth! It’s a bit like old-fashioned letter writing with a twist and not as instantaneous as sending a text!

All of Tiffy’s friends are so loyal to her, but above all else, they are honest and tell her the truth, and not necessarily what she wants to hear. Everyone needs a friend like that. 🤗

If you love a good old romance book, with a quirky side, then give The Flatshare a read. I can definitely recommend the Audiobook and both narrators portrayed the two protagonists brilliantly.


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