Saturday, June 22, 2024

My Review for The Plot Twist by Victoria Walters

I loved this. It is a book written about people who love books, huge bookshelves, publishers, authors and best of all, a book that mentions us, reviewers and how much we love the acknowledgement we get when someone wants us to read a copy of their book first!

Stevie is brilliant. She’s independent, knows what she wants and is pretty determined she isn’t going to take any shit from anyone, particularly not a man who walked away from her five years ago! I loved her so much. She has amazing friends, an addiction to Starbucks coffee, a cute flat and supportive parents. 

Other than knowing the genre, I rarely read a book description because I’d rather go in blind than risk even a hint of a spoiler. The Plot Twist was no different, so it wasn’t until the blurb at the back that I realised the book I’d read in February (The Love Interest) was sort of the first in this series/duology and The Plot Twist focused on one of the other characters! 

I cannot recommend this book enough. Romance books aren’t just for women, you do know that right? If you’re a man who also enjoys lovey-dovey movies and doesn’t mind a good cry now and then, why not try reading a romance book? You might be surprised - there might even be something in there to heighten your interest if you give it a try! Nudge, nudge, wink, wink!

Thank you to NetGalley, Boldwood Books and Rachel’s Random Resources for the opportunity to read and review The Plot Twist by Victoria Walters.

 About the Book

One new boss, one ex-boyfriend, one big dilemma…

Stevie Phillips has just landed her dream job working for a publishing company and it seems like this is page one of her new, improved life.

But her first day throws more curveballs than she thinks she can there’s been a takeover and the whole publicity team has been fired. And her new boss is the last face she expected to see.

Because Noah Anderson also happens to be her ex-boyfriend.

Thrown together on a campaign for a book the rest of the staff don’t want to touch with a barge-pole, Stevie resolves to make the best of a bad situation. This is her chance to prove herself, and she’s not going to let the man who broke her heart ruin it for her.

When Noah starts hinting that there was more to their break up then him just not loving her, Stevie’s resolution starts to wobble. Getting back with your ex is never a good idea, is it? Especially not when your ex is also your boss…

About Victoria

Victoria Walters is the author of both cosy crime and romantic novels, including the bestselling Glendale Hall series. She has been chosen for WHSmith Fresh Talent, shortlisted for two RNA novels and was picked as an Amazon Rising Star. Previously published by Hera, she is now writing romantic comedies for Boldwood.

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